What is the purpose of life?

For years I have been asking people this question, and I have delighted in their responses. The answers I have heard delight me because despite asking dozens of people this question, I have received a different response every time. How interesting! The question intrigues me because my response is also unique.

From my perspective, the purpose of life is to evolve ourselves higher. To me this means that we have the incredible opportunity in this life to consciously cultivate our unique gifts and talents to become better versions of ourselves while fulfilling our greatest potential. This is not to say that we are inherently lacking, but recognizes that the world, life, and our lives are in a constant state of change.

We can choose to do nothing, and there is nothing wrong about that. But like a newly planted seed, it possesses the inherent potential to grow into an enormous, beautiful, life-giving, thriving tree. Like the awe-inspiring majesty of a fully grown Redwood tree, our lives possess this incredible potential too.

Evolution is the process by which we put down the things that no longer serve us, and we pick up or cultivate the skills, habits, beliefs, and way of being that will best serve us going forward. As part of our biological programming, this is happening in the background of our lives whether we see it or not. However, when we recognize that is process is occurring, and then we intentionally choose that which we most wish to create in our lives, our potential is nearly limitless. Perhaps it is limitless. There is only one way to find out, and that is to get started.

I chose the name Evolution Coaching for my business because it combines my passion for serving others through coaching with the foundational belief that we all have the amazing opportunity to reach our greatest potential while making a positive difference in our lives, on those around us, and the world. Maslow would call this Self-Actualization and Transcendence. I call this process evolution.

Evolution Coaching is that process by which we step back and look at what you most wish to create in your life. Together we create a vision, chart a course, and begin the journey. We will look at the tools you will need and the skills you will need to develop along the way, while shining a light on the that may get in your way. We will explore what you will need to put down or let go of to realize your best life possible. It is co-creation at its best. I will help you stay accountable, and I will stand for you and your vision. Let’s discover what is possible for you.


100 Conversations


The Power of Visualization