
100 Conversations
John Holman John Holman

100 Conversations

In one year I coached 100 people. ONE HUNDRED different people. In addition to my regular clients, I discovered how to connect with people all over the world I had never met and share my coaching with them. Many of these were two-hour Discovery Sessions, where I would meet with a new person and we would spend two hours together. TWO HOURS. No agenda. No plan.

Together we would explore what was going on in that person’s world and I would help them. It was that simple.

How did I decide to coach 100 different people?

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What is the purpose of  life?
Eve Simon Eve Simon

What is the purpose of life?

For years I have been asking people this question, and I have delighted in their responses. The answers I have heard delight me because despite asking dozens of people this question, I have received a different response every time. How interesting!

The question intrigues me because my response is also unique.

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The Power of Visualization
John Holman John Holman

The Power of Visualization

The year was 1990, and a 28-year-old man with big dreams found himself struggling financially and out of work. He dreamed of someday becoming a famous actor, but he had dropped out of high school and at times found himself homeless. However, every night he would drive to a quiet spot and visualize movie directors wanting to hire him and he imagined famous actors and actresses saying “I like your work”. He visualized this every night.

Who was this man?

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Let’s have a conversation

I love to help leaders realize their greatest potential.

Send me a message and we can explore how I might be able to help you.